
  • 12x12

    12 Days for Writers: Day 3

    Children’s author Julie Hedlund, challenged participants of her 12 Days of Christmas for Writers series to post SUCCESSES (rather than resolutions) on our blogs this year. She believes the way New Year’s resolutions are traditionally made come from a place of negativity – what DIDN’T get done or achieved in the previous year.  Instead, she suggests we set goals for the New Year that BUILD on our achievements from the previous one. I decided to participate in this Anti-Resolution Revolution! Here is my list for 2021. My writing successes in 2021!  First and foremost… I’m showing up! Whether thinking of ideas while homeschooling my children or taking them to the park, or writing during…

  • 12x12,  Picture Book,  Writing Journey

    12 x 12 in 2021 – Back after a long break!

    It’s official! I’ve signed up for the 12 x 12 Challenge hosted by Julie Hedlund! My first time doing so since 2013. I had started participating the previous year, in fact here is my original badge from 2012. I can hardly believe it’s been that long! So far I have 1 full draft, 2 partials & 2 revisions under my belt for 2021. 12×12 will be the extra boost needed to stay motivated this year! There’s still time to sign up if you’d like to join in on this fun picture book writing journey. Now-Feb. 28, 2021. What is this challenge all about?The premise is simple. Write 12 full picture books…

  • 12x12,  Picture Book,  Writing Journey

    12×12 Update

    As many of you know, I am participating in Julie Hedlund’s 12×12 challenge for the second time around. Last year I completed my goal of writing 12 new picture book manuscripts in 2012. One of them — my June MS is currently being polished and is almost ready to be sent on submissions. Since it has been a topic on my mind this week, my Wordless Wednesday post is dedicated to that project. So how am I doing with the challenge this year, so far? Jan: Completed! Feb: Nothing yet. March: Nothing yet. As you can see, I’m a little behind on the pb writing this year, but exciting things…

  • 12x12

    I’m a 12×12 Winner!

    12×12 Winner Badge I’m a Winner! I can scarcely believe it. As you can probably tell by my lack of blogging, writing has not been my main focus for the past few months. I was actually on track to finish the 12×12 challenge on time or even early, but then November came and went and… no draft. Then December ALMOST came and went, and I was down two drafts! Eek! On Dec. 30th I sat in front of the blank screen, all these horrible voices in my head saying I couldn’t do it, and I just jotted down an idea or two, and began writing…. and here I am! I…