Grow Your Writing Resource: KidLit Podcasts
Do you spend considerable time in your car, out and about, or on the go? I spend extensive time daily in the school pick-up line or walking around the school. My children get out 45 minutes apart, and parking is a little daily dance of making sure you park on the right side of the road, so you don’t get stuck in traffic later on your way out. How do I best make use of my waiting time? Well, of course, writing is always my first choice, but sometimes it flows; other times, it just doesn’t. What I’ve found super helpful during these times is listening to podcasts. But how…
My #50preciouswords entry this year is inspired by Carlo Paalam, a men’s flyweight boxer from the Philippines who won the Silver Medal during the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. His story touched my heart and reminded me of similar endeavors as a young girl with my Lola. FROM SCAVENGER TO SILVER MEDALIST By Christine Alemshah [WC: 50, MG] The air buzzed. Music blasted. Crowds cheered. But Carlo Paalam’s razor-sharp eyes focused on one thing: his Olympic silver medal, melded from recycled gadgets — an ode to his former life as a scavenger. With parries, punches, and perseverance, Carlo freed his family from poverty. And proved no dream is impossible.
Introducing my Kid Lit Pitch Pie FREE resource
I’ve been a member of writing Twitter since 2010 and have participated in dozens of pitch events. But you know how long it took before I got my first heart? Ten years!! In 2021, I received my first ❤️ during PBPitch from a wonderful and kind agent. I submitted my story right away, and she requested several additional manuscripts! That’s when a buzz filled my heart and spoke to me, saying — this is possible! I began honing my pitch writing skills, learning more about the process, and dove right in. I studied successful pitches and trends during events and entered another pitch event. Four hearts this time and 7…
Virtual Spring Break ideas for kids
So… Spring is coming up, and just like last year, things are looking a little different. I know we are all itching to get out! Our family included! And this year, our family does have a plan to get out … a little! But, largely — we will still be at home, so we will still be doing a bit of vicarious vacationing! I’ve compiled a list of wonderful resources to enjoy a virtual vacation! Don’t forget laundry basket + water in a spray bottle + roller coaster videos = Ultimate At Home Splash Mountain Experience!! San Diego ZooSmithsonian’s National Zoo Webcams Canadian Egg FarmCanadian Apple OrchardUndeniably Dairy- Visit a Dairy…
Epic! App for Kids: The netflix for children’s books and research gold for writers
Raise your hand if you have young children? Now keep your hand raised if you also like to write books for children? Still have your hand in the air? Then you NEED to try Epic! An amazing app available on apple and android smart devices. They have thousands of children’s ebook titles available, and are adding more each day including huge, mega popular titles and characters such as “Ramona”, “Peter Rabbit” and “Where the Wild Things Are.” Here’s what my evenings look like now that we have Epic in our home. First, I set up a profile for my daughter and I to read together. Her current favorite books include “Old MacDonald’s Letter Farm”, “Duck Goes…
Picture Book research at Barnes and Noble
This past sunday, I was able to get out and do something I haven’t done in quite awhile! I walked into a yummy book-scented Barnes and Noble complete with a cd section ala Blockbuster Music, and headed to read some popular picture books! Of course, whenever I pass anything that might of interest to my little one, I get distracted. I mean, come on, what 22 month old wouldn’t enjoy a soft barnyard full of chickens, ducks, cows, and pigs? Then again, maybe it delighted me just as much! I finally made my way to the picture book section, and pulled out these five fun stories — and devoured them!…
Writing and rain
I opened up the front door earlier this evening to check for packages on my doorstep, and while I was not blessed with a bundle of goodies, I did get to take in a deep breath of damp, cool air with a slight musty smell that only comes with new rain. Though it is hours later now, I can still close my eyes and re-create the serenity that washed over me during that moment. I carried my daughter outside to show her the wonder of evening rain. She delighted in it so much, she ran inside telling her Dad “it’s raining.” Later, when putting her to bed for the…
I’m back!
So … I’m back! Where did I go? I ventured into the land of new-mommydom! And my daughter is almost a year old now. Oops! That was quite a long hiatus! To make a long story short, the last year or so has been quite a transition for me, but I am finally finding my blogging/writing feet! And while I am moving at a turtle’s pace, I am making progress in all areas of my life. I think if ever I could compare myself to a children’s book character it would be now. I am the tortoise in “The Tortoise and the Hare.” I can see the finish line, but…
Three baby puppies
I love English Bull Terriers! I have a post that’s been in the works about how much they touch the lives of their owners, but it’s not ready yet. In the meantime, I wanted to post pictures of these cuties. My mom breeds English Bull Terriers, and she recently had a litter of three baby boy puppies. They are the cutest pups ever (well that I’ve seen in a long time … I may be slightly biased.) Two of my published children’s stories feature bull terriers. They are true characters! I think these little guys just may show up in a new manuscript soon!
Stitch Fix Review #1- For a Hopeless Matchy-matchy Writer
When I stumbled upon Stitch Fix, I was instantly intrigued. I’ve wanted to try a personal stylist for years, but never gotten around to doing it. Now, with Stitch Fix I get the benefits of a personal stylist from the comfort of my own home! You may be wondering why I’m doing a review of clothing on my writing blog. Well, here’s the thing. I’ve had this dream of becoming a successful, carefree, AND eclectically styled writer. I could really use some help as I’m practically hopeless when it comes to creating outfits. So here’s another chapter in my writing journey, where I revise … my wardrobe. Here’s what a…