Homeschool Resources

Fun homeschool alphabet bundle – Get A & B for FREE.

Like many of us this past, I’ve been at home teaching my children as we continue with homeschool preschool and virtual/distance learning! One of my favorite resources I’ve been using with my 3-year-old has been this fun A-Z bundle from the Teachers Pay Teachers online store Fun with Mama! And the best part! You can get A & B for free by clicking here. If you pay a little extra supporting an amazing Mama you can get the full set!

My daughter’s favorite so far — U for Unicorn!

I’ve also been holding on to all the thumbnails included on each page. I plan to extend the learning when we finish and play a letter matching game. Can you find the letter on the wall that matches? And once I feel like we have completed the project all together I will place all the letters into a keepsake book, and use the thumbnails to create an alphabet collage. My daughter has truly enjoyed creating her alphabet wall. She is so proud and often shows them off to other family members. In addition to letter recognition, she has also been able to build up her fine motor, gluing skills, and cutting skills.

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