Goodreads Challenge 2011 — Completed! Onward 2012!
Happy New Years! I am so excited to announce I completed the Goodreads Reading Challenge 2011. I finished with 47 books total. I entered the challenge late — in May, as I wasn’t aware the challenge even existed. So, I am hoping to read EVEN MORE in 2012! I am setting my goal with Goodreads as a conservative one to start, at 60 books, but hopefully I can increase it later in the year. (On my blog, I have challenged myself to read 75 children’s, middle grade or YA books here. Yikes! Wish me luck!)
I truly believe reading, reading, and more reading has helped me become a better writer. Truth be told, reading good books inspired me to write in the first place. And, an added bonus — It feeds my soul. Here’s to 2012, a year full of delightful reads!
How about you? Did you complete a Reading Challenge in 2011? How about 2012? It’s a new year, the perfect time to embark in new endeavors. Cheers everyone!