
I’m a 12×12 Winner!

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I’m a Winner! I can scarcely believe it.

As you can probably tell by my lack of blogging, writing has not been my main focus for the past few months. I was actually on track to finish the 12×12 challenge on time or even early, but then November came and went and… no draft. Then December ALMOST came and went, and I was down two drafts! Eek!
On Dec. 30th I sat in front of the blank screen, all these horrible voices in my head saying I couldn’t do it, and I just jotted down an idea or two, and began writing…. and here I am!
I cannot begin to describe how helpful this challenge has been for me this year. Thank you, Julie Hedlund, for hosting! Each time I felt lost, or alone in my struggles, I remembered that there were many other writers out there in the same boat, and that brought me comfort. Now I have twelve drafts to be proud of!

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