Introducing my Kid Lit Pitch Pie FREE resource
I’ve been a member of writing Twitter since 2010 and have participated in dozens of pitch events. But you know how long it took before I got my first heart? Ten years!!
In 2021, I received my first ❤️ during PBPitch from a wonderful and kind agent. I submitted my story right away, and she requested several additional manuscripts! That’s when a buzz filled my heart and spoke to me, saying — this is possible! I began honing my pitch writing skills, learning more about the process, and dove right in. I studied successful pitches and trends during events and entered another pitch event. Four hearts this time and 7 in the next one!
That’s when it occurred to me. Pitches are super important, but they are only one slice of the pie. That’s why I wanted to create a resource for fellow creators that I hope will help demystify the process of participating in pitch contests and break down the prep work in thirds: what to do before, during, and after pitch events.
If you’d like a copy of the resource, sign up for my mailing list to receive my kid-lit pitch pie PDF in your inbox!