Writing Journey

I’ve joined SCBWI!

At the recommendation of several fellow writing friends and Children’s book author Merrily Kutner I joined the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators in October 2010. As I am not yet a Published Author I am currently an Associate Member.

Here is a link to my profile page if you’d like to take a peek!

I cannot express to you how invaluable this organization has been for me thus far.  The bulletins are jam-packed with information ~ inspirational stories, online resources, contests, workshops, and much more.  When I read the March/April 2011 issue I was more inspired to write that I had been in some time. Ideas that had been stagnant seemed to come alive. SCWBI is a nationwide organization, but also has local chapters with local events. In my area I’ve signed up for several events coming up soon such as Writers Day in L.A. and Agents Day at Newport Seabase.

I know I have not yet tapped into all the potential benefits of SCBWI (for instance I’m still working up the courage to join a critique group.) To all aspiring children’s writers, if you haven’t looked into SCBWI I highly recommend it!

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