• Writing Contests,  Writing Journey

    #FallWritingFrenzy Contest Entry: SEA IN THE SKY

    SEA IN THE SKY By Christine Alemshah [WC: 196] The stormy sea sky mocked me. Could Daddy and I see the same sinister moon?  Hopefully, he’s tucked safely inside his ship, not in danger of falling overboard as the swirling clouds suggested. “No costume, Beatrice? It’s almost time for trick-or-treating,” called Mom. I kicked the screen door. It squeaked. I hoped it might break. “You don’t want to go?” “I can’t, Mom. The sea is in the sky tonight.” “I think it’s lovely with that crescent moon up there.” “You mean the frowning crescent face staring at me?  It’s creepy — and Daddy…” “Was supposed to go trick-or-treating with us?,”…