Picture Book Review: Cow Says Meow by Kirsti Call | Read this one out loud!
Cow Says Meow Author: Kirsti Call Illustrator: Brandon James Scott I had the pleasure of reversing Kirsti Call’s latest picture book “Cow Says Meow.” Here is the book blurb on the back cover: Read this zany picture book full of mixed-up animal sounds out loud. Fun puns and wordplay will have readers mooing, neighing, and clucking, and even laughing with every page turn. I feel the key phrase in that blurb is read out loud. Because it’s true, when you read it out loud, especially to a three year old and six year old, a special kind of magic happens. You will laugh, and you will have little readers joining…
Sunflower Scribe Spotlight: Kirsti Call, Children’s Book Author
Hello and welcome to my new blog series, ‘Sunflower Scribe Spotlight’. My goal with this series is to shine the spotlight on children’s authors and illustrators. Today I’d like to welcome our first participant, Children’s Author Kirsti Call. Hello Kirsti! As will be customary with all featured authors and illustrators at the ‘Sunflower Scribe Spotlight’, can you start by telling us your favorite flower? My favorite flower is the purple pansy because I love purple and I hate how “pansy” is sometimes used as an insult. Come on people, pansies are beautiful! I just love your welcome video. Can you tell us a little more about how your created it?…