PiBoIdMo: I’m a Winner!
From Tara Lazar’s PiBoIdMo site:I do solemnly swear that I have faithfully executed the PiBoIdMo 30-ideas-in-30-days challenge, and will, to the best of my ability, parlay my ideas into picture book manuscripts.Signed: Christine Marie AlemshahPhew!! I can’t believe I made it through! In 30 Days I have managed to come up with 32 picture book ideas. It was much harder than I thought it would be. The first two weeks were smooth sailing. Then, thanksgiving week came and it was like my ideas were separated from my brain by a brick wall. (It probably didn’t help my mushy brain spending the week in Kauai. My whole body felt like jello!) Luckily some days I had…
For two days in a row my picture book ideas have been about dinosaurs. Bah! There are so many picture books about dinosaurs already. Good ones too! How will my little ideas ever compete? Oh well, I will think about that later… It’s just, well — let’s face it, children are fascinated by dinosaurs. In the past week, I don’t think a day went that I did not hear a mention of them by one or more of the children I work with. No wonder I had a PB idea about dinosaurs!! I will keep my ideas tucked away for a rainy day. In the mean time, check out the…
It’s officially here! Picture Book Idea Month! What is it? The premise is quite simple. In November 2011 you vow to come up with 30 picture ideas in 30 ideas. October was such a busy month for me, I’m excited to take the plunge and come up with 30 new picture book ideas this month. I’m ready for the challenge, and yet also nervous about keeping up! How am I doing so far? I had one idea “sneak” up on me Mon Oct. 31, so not sure if I can count it. Yesterday, I had two ideas. Yay! Let’s hope I can keep it up! Fellow Picture Book Writers (and any…