Muddy Feet Story and a Very Muddy Recipe
Rio with puppy, Aria in the bath I’m over the moon today. My short story Muddy Feet is the ‘Story of the Day’ at Knowonder!. This story was inspired by my Mom’s red and white English Bull Terrier, Rio (pictured at left). She is a beautiful dog with a gentle, loving disposition. She’s also known as the cling wrap dog, a clown, and a mother hen. Check out the story to see what Gina thinks of her dog, Rio. In honor of Rio’s muddy feet I decided to share a recipe for Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Peanut Free Muddy Buddies*. (We have some food intolerances in our house. Can you tell?)…
Update on the journey
Here is a blurb from my first ever Sunflower Scribe Blog Post: In June 2010, inspiration struck. My first children’s book main character, Iris the Colorful Spider was born. The manuscript is written and now I am learning more about the editing and publishing process. The journey has just begun and I have finally found my focus. I want to be a Writer. I have come to terms with the fact that this may be a process that is years in the making but, I am up for it! Carpe Diem! I hope you enjoy the ride! I know I will. So how am I doing in my journey now…
My First contract
I’m over the moon! I received my first contract this week. It is for for a short story entitled, Max and Digby’s Big Day. It is about a young man, Max, who trained his miniature bull terrier, Digby, in agility and is taking him to his first match. What happens when Digby seemingly forgets his training? The story will appear in the November 2011 issue of Stories for Children Magazine. (Updated: The November issue is now available for purchase HERE.) I have more good news to announce soon. I hope my mailbox continues to buzz with exciting news this month… Happy September everyone! I hope you are having as bountiful…