Writing Journey

Moving Day

moving dayIt’s been a long time coming. The day is finally here! It was Children’s Author, Katie Davis of Brain Burps on one of her awesome podcasts that finally convinced the little voice in my head to take action and combine my website and blog. Only thing was, that day happened about three months ago. When I actually sat down to do it, I was stumped beyond belief. Every time I’d try to put things all together it was like one tiny gear in a watch was missing and boom — nothing. Until today! Hooray!

The Sunflower Scribe Blog has officially moved over to my main web site. Things are a little rough, and I could really use some followers and feedback too! Let me know what you think!

PS. It was also moving day for my turtle, Houdini. She’s graduating from a 30 gallon tank to an 80 gallon penthouse. She is one lucky turtle!



  • Vivian Kirkfield

    Hi Christine! I clicked on join the Networked Blogs.. we’ll see if it works.:) I just came back from speaking on two panels about blogging at the #2013AFCC in Singapore. I don’t know a lot about blogging or setting one up…but I do know that yours is lovely…very clean…and you’ve got your social media up at the top…you go girl! Lovely to connect with you here and on 12×12.:)

  • Romelle Broas

    Looks great, Christine! (Coming to you from 12x) Love the simplicity of your site. It’s clean and fresh- just the way I like it. Houdini IS one lucky turtle. Change is good.

  • Leandra

    Oh, I love turtles. We used to have them growing up- and whenever we’d see one on the road my dad always stopped to ‘help it get to the other side’ quicker! I like the new site!

  • Christina Farley

    I love those turtles. So cute! I did the same as you by combining my website and blog. It has been a transition but I think in the long run, I’ll be happy to have everything in one place. Still wordpress was a big transition for me after blogger!

    • Christine Alemshah

      Congrats Christina! Your website looks great! I’ve used both wordpress and blogger for some time. It takes a little time to see the fruits of your labor blossom with wordpress, but overall I think you will enjoy it!

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