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#GrowYourWriting Creator Interview: Author, Stacey Bartlett

Welcome to the #GrowYourWriting Creator Interviews blog series in 2024. I’m thrilled to feature talented kidlit creators this year and spotlight their beautiful work and inspiring journeys. 

Today, I welcome Author, Stacey Bartlett. Stacey was born in West Palm Beach, Florida, and currently lives in the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina with her four children and two rescue dogs. She graduated from Palm Beach Atlantic  University with a BS in psychology and has been a homeschool teacher for over twenty years. Stacey loves to read and to write stories that bring hope to her readers’ hearts.

Stacey’s work appears in the eleventh edition (2024) of County Lines Literary Journal, and her short story Count On the Mountains was published in the spring 2024 issue of Reckon Review.

You can connect with Stacey on X/TwitterInstagram, and her website.

Stay tuned to the end of the interview for your chance to win a copy of Stacey’s YA novel, FREE SINGS THE SEA.

1 – What inspired you to pursue a career in children’s literature, and when did you start creating?

As a child, I loved writing from the very start. I wrote poetry and stories and created my own little books. I loved my literature classes in college, and my professors often encouraged me to pursue a career as an author. Finally, as an older adult with four children, I found the courage to pursue my dream!

2 – Can you share your kidlit journey thus far with our readers?  What writing/illustrating credentials, awards, contest wins, or other recognition would you like to share?

My kidlit journey has been long and meandering, but ultimately joy-filled. I spent a few years in the query trenches which was stressful and discouraging at times, but I also made wonderful connections and learned more about the publishing world. My journey led me to Monarch Educational Services, where I submitted my manuscript and found a perfect home for my work!

3 – What part of the process, from the first draft to submissions, do you find the most challenging, and how do you overcome that?

I love writing the first draft! I look forward to letting my imagination run free and living in a whole different world with new characters. The most challenging part of the publication process for me is when I have to let my story go out into the world! Rejection or bad reviews will always hurt, but I overcome the challenge by reminding myself that art is subjective. I simply write from the heart and hope and pray my books will reach the readers who will love them and find something helpful in them.

4 – Can you tell our readers more about your journey from ideas to publication?

I began writing my debut novel Free Sings the Sea years ago. I have notebooks full of handwritten drafts! I queried it for a couple of years and learned as much as I could in the process. I had a couple of wonderful critiques which helped immensely. I ultimately submitted my manuscript to the amazing Dr. Jen Lowry at Monarch Educational Services last summer, and I was thrilled when she understood my vision and loved my characters as much as I do! Free Sings the Sea is available now on Amazon and Barnes and Noble, and I couldn’t be happier. It was a long, often difficult journey, but worth every step!

5 – What overall advice would you like to give aspiring kidlit creators to grow their writing?

I know it is difficult, but my advice would be to not allow your self-worth to become related to the acceptance or rejection of your writing. Write what is meaningful to you, and try not to lose your passion or joy of writing in the business of publishing. Begin networking early, join SCBWI as soon as possible, and take advantage of any learning opportunities that come your way in the writing community!

6 – What’s next for you as a creator?

I am currently revising the second book in my women’s fiction second chance romance series. I am also thrilled to have a fun middle-grade fantasy called Monster Mountain releasing 2/4/25 with Monarch Educational Services!

Are you participating in the #GrowYourWriting Challenge this year? Stacey has some advice to share on how to earn your CULTIVATE CONNECTIONS badge.

The best place for making connections within the kidlit community for me has been Twitter (X)! I dearly love my writing community friends, and we all support each other and cheer each other on. The writing contests, advice, and learning opportunities are plentiful, but I cherish the friendships the most!

Guess What? It’s giveaway time! Stacey has graciously offered to giveaway a copy of her YA novel, FREE SINGS THE SEA.

To enter, leave a comment on this blog post below and reshape my post on Bsky! The entry period closes on November 29, 2024, at 12am PST. One Winner will be announced on November 30, 2024.


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